
The Power of Data-Driven Marketing Using Postscript AI at True Classic

True Classic may sling some of the most popular t-shirts around town, but they’re also known throughout ecommerce as the greatest marketing minds around. They consider themselves a tech-driven company that’s always trying to leverage the latest and greatest partners in the space. Naturally, they were curious to see what results would come from Postscript AI.

The team at True Classic are truly data-driven and regularly conduct their own incrementality testing. “The backbone of True Classic is to make sure that every single thing that we're doing is marginal and incremental and overall helps move the needle,” says Adam Hutton, Associate Director of Owned Media at True Classic.

True Classic Hero image


Total AI-Generated Revenue during beta


Lift on Earnings per Message for Browse Abandonment flow


Lift on Orders per Message for Browse Abandonment flow
Cuttingthrunoise New Shop Image

Cutting Through All the AI Noise

True to their technology-driven mindset, the True Classic team was constantly looking at the AI features being rolled out by SaaS providers—most of which were more forward-thinking rather than ready-to-use now.

The first part of onboarding True Classic into Postscript AI was filling out their Brand Center, which allowed them to train the AI models on their unique brand voice and review AI-generated copy examples to make sure they weren’t veering off course.

“Once we had a few rounds of revisions and put different brand copy into the model, the output started to look much better very quickly,” says Adam. “So once I saw that the sample outputs looked good and on-brand, that gave me confidence to launch it.”

The team continued to monitor the Brand Center to make sure everything looked good, but at the end of the day, performance metrics would be the true sign of a successful launch.

Adam Hutton

Adam Hutton
Assoc. Director, Owned Media

True Classic

“Postscript is pioneering everything with SMS and staying at the cutting edge of technology which is really important for our business. And it's very impactful for us and we see it in all the numbers.”

No AI Pains, Just Revenue Gains

The first control tests using Postscript AI’s Infinity Testing were the Abandoned Cart and Browse Abandonment automations. For Adam, seeing a strong EPM would be key to whether or not the AI was doing its job.

The test saw a 12% lift in earnings per message for the Abandoned Cart automation and a 29% lift in earnings per message for the Browse Abandonment automation.

Growing at this scale for the business unlocks incredible potential for incremental revenue in their already high-performing automations.

“The return on investment is very high. So it allows us to reinvest that into upper funnel growth campaigns as well as initiatives to drive repeat purchases. The more we can scale SMS as a channel, the more repeat customers we get which are the most profitable for the business,” says Adam.

No AI Pains Stat Image
Adam Hutton

Adam Hutton
Assoc. Director, Owned Media

True Classic

“Postscript AI Infinity Testing has been the most intuitive, easy to launch, and most impactful AI that I've seen from any vendor.”

Investing in the Future of Testing

For True Classic, the real unlock came from Infinity Testing. As a team that was constantly running manual A/B tests, the ability to have an AI that is infinitely testing and optimizing messages was a potential goldmine for the brand.

By leaning into the AI to run this for them, Adam is able to invest in other parts of the lifecycle journey. “It’s often overlooked how much effort goes into the actual execution for owned media channels like Email and SMS. So anywhere that we can reduce that, is a major win for the business.”

Postscript AI allows the team to unload a huge amount of work and helps continuously optimize SMS flows, which allows the team to focus on other innovations and strategies.

“We're able to save a lot of internal resources by not manually writing the copy. Then, we can invest that time back into other marketing initiatives.” says Adam.

Postscript AI Meets the Golden Triangle Standard

Anytime the True Classic team is going to adopt a new software or product release, it has to roll up to their “Golden Triangle” rule. We want it done better, we want it done for less, and we want it done faster.

“It can be challenging to accomplish all three of those things. However, in the case of Postscript AI, we definitely are,” says Adam.  “We're able to see a lift on all key KPIs driving better performance, we're able to save internal time and move faster, we’re able to get a stronger ROI, which means our marketing dollars are going further for us.”


Postscript AI results

True Classic believes in adding to their tech stack only when it manages to achieve the Golden Triangle: faster, better, cheaper. With Postscript AI, they’re able to see immediate incremental revenue results on automations and save countless hours of manual work, all while maintaining an on-brand experience over SMS. 

(Note: All results are accurate as of July 8, 2024.)


Total AI-Generated Revenue during beta


Lift on Earnings per Message for Browse Abandonment flow


Lift on Orders per Message for Browse Abandonment flow
Adam Hutton

Adam Hutton
Assoc. Director, Owned Media

True Classic

“Postscript is able to innovate at a speed faster than any of the competitors in the industry as we saw other brands like Klaviyo come out with their version of Onsite Opt-in six months later.”

Drive more revenue, faster with Postscript AI

Get in touch with our team today to be among the first to use the effortless, revenue driving features of Postscript AI.

We’re all-in on SMS—and we’ve built the solutions